@IN'est pas du Domaine Publique. Tous Droits Réservés.
Traduit et amélioré par Fabien Larini le 31/07/93.
Ce Génies permet d'imprimer la page courante à l'aide de l'interpréteur
Postscript Post. Vous devez avoir installé Post correctement. Vous devez
également configurer les préférences graphiques de votre imprimante
(surtout la taille de la page et la densité). L'avantage est que vous
pouvez imprimer les fichiers EPS et utiliser les fonts Adobe Type 1 plutôt
que leurs conversions en CG. Il demande et sauve le répertoire où il doit
stocker les fichiers temporaires et où se trouve Post.
/* This genie uses the public domain Postscript interpreter "Post" to print
the current page. The advantages are that you can print .eps files on a
non-Postscript printer and that you can use real Type 1 fonts, rather than
converted versions. The files "post" and "init.ps" should be in a drawer
called "post" in your "PPage:" drawer (if not, modify the indicated line in
the genie), the necessary .psfont files in CGFonts:ps, and "post.library" in
libs: You do NOT need "Conman".
Make sure the assigns for PPage: and CGFonts: are set up in your startup-sequence or user-startup files.
It is also essential to set the Limits in your printer graphics preferences to the correct page size in pixels i.e. the printer's dots-per-inch * page size in inches. Typical figures are 1500 by 2100. */
/* Note: There is a bug in Post which means that it will refuse to print colour bitmaps on colour printers under WB 2.04. It seems to be OK under WB 1.3.
Also, gradient fills do not work in colour. Colour separations and B&W are OK.
Versions of Post older than 1.7 have problems with files from Quark XPress and Freehand.
There is also a bug in ProDraw which results in its printing incorrectly when page sizes are set in pixels.
/* Written by Don Cox. Copyright. Not Public Domain. All rights reserved. */
trace n
signal on error
signal on syntax
address command
call SafeEndEdit.rexx()
call ppm_AutoUpdate(0)
/* Demande des données a sauver dans le fichier de configuration */
idem = 0
post = ""
tempdir = ""
/* Demande si nouvelle config */
if exists(fichiercfg) then do
idem = ppm_Inform(2,"Utilisation de la configuration sauvée ?","Non","Oui")
if (~exists(fichiercfg) | idem=0) then do
/* Quel est le répertoire temporaire */
tempdir = ppm_GetFileName("Choix du Répertoire Temporaire","","")
if tempdir = "" then exit_msg("Opération Annulée")